
Maharaja Manindra Chandra College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

20 Ramkanto Bose Street Kolkata-700 003 | Call:033-25555565 | Email :principalmmccollege@gmail.com

Website : www.mmccollege.co.in

Anti Ragging Cell

S/L no Name Link
1 Anti-Ragging Sensitisation Among Newly Admitted Students on 06-08-2024
2 Report on Anti-Ragging Sensitisation Programme held on 03-08-2024
3 Resolution of special meeting of the Students Disciplinary and Anti Ragging Sub-Committee will be held on September 15-01-2021
4 Notice of special meeting of the Students Disciplinary and Anti Ragging Sub-Committee will be held on September 15-01-2021
5 Resolution of special meeting of the Students’ Disciplinary and Anti Ragging Sub-Committee will be held on 14-09-2021
6 Notice of special meeting of the Students’ Disciplinary and Anti Ragging Sub-Committee will be held on 14-09-2021