Lending Service
The book borrowing facility is available only for current students, faculty members, and other staff members of the college.
The various categories of members mentioned below shall be entitled to borrow the specified number of books from the library for the period noted against each category.

Reading Services
The Central Library of the college has a well-equipped and spacious reading room with 80 seats. Any user of the library may use this reading room for consulting books, journals, magazines, newspapers etc. during library hours.
Teacher’s Corner: an Invisible College
There is a separate, secluded corner inside the library exclusively for teachers of this college for in-depth studies and scholarly discussions.
Reference service
Reference Services, both short range and long range are provided to library users on their specific queries. Users can also satisfy their own queries through consultation of Reference Tools.
Electronic Reference service (via e-mail)
Only Teachers and Researchers of this college can send the Reference Questions via E-mail ( Queries are answered generally within 7 days, but response time may vary, depending on the nature of the queries.
Online Digital Library
Our library links you up with more the 6000+ e-journals (with back files for 1 year) and 97,000+ e-books through UGC-INFLIBNET NLIST Programme (Link).
Current Awareness Service (CAS) and Selective Dissemination of Information Services (SDI)
The Library provides such services to satisfy general and personalised interests of the users in the current knowledge in relevant fields. Forms of services include displaying book jackets, newspaper clippings, brochure display, leaflets, sending scanned copies of the cover page of newly arrived books and relevant information to individuals through emails and interpersonal instructions and suggestions.
Library Extension and Promotional Activities
The library teachers arrange from time to time Exhibition, Awareness programme, Talks, Quiz etc. and other extramural activities.